an appointment

Ready for your personal transformation? Book your appointment at the Eram Clinic now and experience the unique combination of beauty, health and well-being first-hand. Let's work together to achieve your individual goals.

For special requests, please contact us directly at +41/79 925 80 02 or

T. +41 44 222 21 11

Bleicherweg 33
8002 Zurich, Switzerland

Monday - Friday: 09:00 - 18:30
Saturday on request

At The Eram Clinic, we place particular emphasis on the care and treatment of your gums. The gums are very important for the stability and health of your teeth. It protects the teeth, keeps them in place and acts as a barrier against harmful bacteria.

Various factors can lead to gum disease, including smoking, a diet high in sugar, unhealthy tooth position, certain diseases such as diabetes and the use of certain medications.

The first stage of gum disease is gingivitis, which is characterized by symptoms such as bleeding gums, redness and swelling. If left untreated, gingivitis can develop into more serious periodontitis, which can cause abscesses and deep gum pockets. Bacteria, plaque and tartar accumulate in these pockets, which leads to further damage and can even affect the jawbone. This can eventually lead to loose or lost teeth.

It is crucial to recognize and treat the first signs of gum disease. For example, if you notice bleeding when brushing or flossing, do not hesitate to consult us to ensure early detection and treatment of gum disease.

After treatment, follow-up care is of great importance as periodontitis is a chronic disease. This includes:

  1. Thorough oral hygiene at home
  2. Professional dental cleanings every 2-4 months
  3. Regular check-ups at the dentist

Cooperation between you and us is crucial in order to achieve long-term success in the prevention of periodontitis. Without your active involvement, there is an increased risk of a recurrence of the disease. Continuous care and maintenance is the best way to keep your oral health stable and healthy. We are happy to advise and support you with regard to the prevention and treatment of gum disease.