an appointment

Ready for your personal transformation? Book your appointment at the Eram Clinic now and experience the unique combination of beauty, health and well-being first-hand. Let's work together to achieve your individual goals.

For special requests, please contact us directly at +41/79 925 80 02 or

T. +41 44 222 21 11

Bleicherweg 33
8002 Zurich, Switzerland

Monday - Friday: 09:00 - 18:30
Saturday on request

Your outward appearance and your body can have a significant impact on your self-esteem. Research has shown that our clothes not only influence us, but can also boost our self-esteem. Children who wear Superman T-shirts not only feel more powerful, they are more powerful. Women perform better in math tests when they wear a sweater instead of a swimsuit. Wearing high heels can boost women's self-confidence. Even wearing a white coat can increase mental agility. Fashion magazines regularly publish articles on tricks to conceal certain parts of the body. But what if we didn't try to hide these areas, but instead enhanced them?

The evolution of beauty ideals

The concept of ideal body proportions has its roots in antiquity, particularly with the ancient Greeks. Leonardo da Vinci, a well-known anatomist, placed the human body in a circle and a square in his famous drawing of the "Vitruvian Man" to show that ideal human proportions correspond to the geometric proportions of the universe. Over the decades, however, our ideal image of beauty has changed. As a plastic surgeon, I am part of a new generation of doctors who do not promote stereotypical ideals of beauty. My goal is to shape your body to fit your individual anatomy and aesthetic preferences.

The impact of the body on the mind

Plastic surgery can increase self-confidence, help you feel more comfortable in your clothes and reduce social anxiety that may arise because of your body. Many women and men seek plastic surgery to restore their bodies after pregnancy, remove stubborn fat deposits or treat excess skin after weight loss or other life changes. The results are often not only a more beautiful body, but also increased self-confidence and well-being. It opens up the possibility of a new attitude to life - light, self-confident and without shame.

In a way, plastic surgery is like tailor-made clothing: it's all about the right fit! Regardless of whether you want a tummy tuck (abdominoplasty) after pregnancy, want to treat stubborn fat deposits with liposuction, remove excess skin after weight loss with a thigh lift or body lift, shape your chest with a male breast reduction (gynecomastia) or remove sagging skin on the arms (brachioplasty): Most patients find that surgery boosts their self-confidence.