an appointment

Ready for your personal transformation? Book your appointment at the Eram Clinic now and experience the unique combination of beauty, health and well-being first-hand. Let's work together to achieve your individual goals.

For special requests, please contact us directly at +41/79 925 80 02 or

T. +41 44 222 21 11

Bleicherweg 33
8002 Zurich, Switzerland

Monday - Friday: 09:00 - 18:30
Saturday on request

How does Invisalign work?

Invisalign treatments are based on a sequence of transparent aligners (trays) that are changed every two weeks. Each aligner promotes the gradual shifting of your teeth to the desired final position. This tooth position correction gives you a radiant smile and increases your self-confidence and well-being.

Invisalign's ClinCheck technology gives you a clear idea of what your teeth will look like once your Invisalign orthodontic treatment is complete.

What is the ClinCheck?

ClinCheck is your personalized, animated 3D Invisalign treatment plan that is created after a comprehensive consultation. After your visit to The Eram Clinic, your dental models are sent to the Invisalign lab where they are digitized using a special scanner to create an accurate 3D model of your teeth.

Based on these models, our orthodontists will develop a customized treatment plan.